Diana Faugno

Founding Board Member
Diana Faugno is the founding president of the Academy of Forensic Nursing and now serves as an advisory member of the board. She is a retired fellow in the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, a Distinguished Fellow in the International Association of Forensic Nurses, and Distinguished Fellow in the Academy of Forensic Nursing. She is also a founding board member of EVAWI. She carries numerous certifications. Faugno works for Life Safe Resources as a Forensic Nurse in Marietta, Georgia. She was the recipient of the 2019 National Crime Victims’ Rights Week award given in Washington, DC. She is also a co-author of numerous textbooks and papers on dealing with the forensic medical aspects of violence, such as the Color Atlas of Sexual Assault, published in 1997. Another co-authored workbook was published in 2020, Domestic Violence and Nonfatal Strangulation Assessment, for health care providers and first responders. The latest workbook, Forensic Nursing Principals and Practice, was published in 2023.