I am writing to let you know of an upcoming course that I am co-directing with Dr Ever Rittenberg and Course Director- Dr. Kathy Rexrode. It is a fantastic line-up of speakers and I think might be valuable for lots of clinicians. This is a CME course from Brigham and Women’s Hospital Division of Women’s Health
This course has an amazing faculty that will discuss the latest clinical and translational research, including trauma inquiry, care of patients across the gender spectrum, weight management, and CHD risk assessment.
The course details are as follows:
Advancing Women’s Health: A 2020 Update
Live Virtual Symposium
Friday, October 23rd, 2020 │ 8:00AM - 5:15PM
More and information and registration can be found at this link: https://cmeregistration.hms.harvard.edu/734777-2101
Please let me know if you have any questions!
Warm regards- Annie
This looks fantastic. Is there a registration fee or discount code?