Hello Forensic Nurses,
I wanted to let you know of an upcoming opportunity to potentially get published in an online journal. I have been asked to be the Editor for a special edition of the Visual Journal of Emergency Medicine focusing on forensics. This is a great opportunity for you, colleagues, or students to get a publication. The journal is owned by Elsevier Publishing and has an international readership.
The format is pretty straightforward, a brief write-up about the case and an explanation of the finding, disease, etc, 1 or more images (patient, specimen, radiograph, CT, US, EKG, etc) with a description, and 2-3 multiple-choice questions.
The deadline for submission is May 1. Here is the link with more information and how to submit:
I hope to see a ton of submissions from the group! Please let me know if you have any questions.
Ralph Riviello, MD, MS, FACEP
Professor and Chair
Department of Emergency Medicine
UT Health San Antonio
Joe R and Teresa Lozano Long School of Medicine
Office: 210-567-4353 | email: riviellor@uthscsa.edu
Cell: 856-981-2451
Sounds like a great opportunity. I would love to do this but I am a bit concerned about image disclosure and release consent.
Any ideas?