I have a question about medical teams coordinating care with Children’s Advocacy Centers.
We have 11 CACs in Vermont- each very individual, but managed by VT Children’s Alliance.
Our Child Protection Team inherited a fledging program that had MOUs signed with each CAC re: child abuse pediatrician representation per NCA standards. We do not do exams in any of the CACs- exams are done at local EDs with pedi SANEs/one peds primary care will do historical cases with a pedi SANE and with us at our state’s only Children’s Hospital.
Over the past year- we’ve focused on assuring that we have a place at each monthly MDT meeting- developing relationships, providing peer review, and thinking about holistic care for kids.
Now… our CAP would like to request some financial support in order to continue the MOUs, which I anticipate will cause a stir.
Question: As I’m thinking about how to approach this ask, thought I would reach out to see if anyone is able to offer expertise? What might a financial agreement look like?
Thank-you, Tracey Wagner RN, MSN, CPN, SANE-P
Do the hospitals value the CAC? If so you should not have a problem at a higher level of authority. It would be helpful if one of the hospital board members was on the CAC board. If they do not see the value in the CAC you will have a hard time. It is never easy to get money from hospitals.