Position statements are authoritative documents published by a professional organization that guide the profession & specialty practice, amplify the views of nursing and can serve to educate consumers, policy makers and decision makers in a variety of agencies and organizations. The Interprofessional Collaboration Committee (IPC) has worked collectively to develop & publish this first position statement, Evidence Based Forensic Nursing Education. Position statements have been referenced and utilized to support policies, publications and grant proposals. Please look at the Position Statement section on the AFN site to review.
The IPC is currently working on additional position statements including Evidence Based Forensic Nursing Practice & Trauma Informed Care. Templates and documents to support position statement development are posted on the AFN site.
Thanks Dr. Thimsen,
The IPC is working hard to initiate and publish position statements that support comprehensive forensic nursing practice. With the developed process and templates available on the AFN site, the IPC is looking forward to supporting members who can identify and develop additional position statements important to our specialty.