Have you ever had a patient report to your facility and request a sexual assault exam with evidence collection when the assault occurred in another country? (2nd case this month)
1) Did you collect the evidence/ kit? (yes)
2) Who picked up the evidence? (no one yet)
3) Where did you instruct the patient to report the crime? (the country in which the crime occurred & the state police)
I have spoken to the embassy, the consulate, the FBI and the state police.
Just looking for experience with this type of sexual assault case.
Thank you everyone.
I am trying to build a protocol with the local police department. The state police helped me facilitate a one time solution for this particular kit.
It was a frustrating situation. It would have been nice if legislation (state/ federal) required the local or the state police department to collect the kit. I feel the police could better facilitate getting the kit to the correct international department/ take the patients statement etc...
Another interesting fact I learned: USA DNA testing is different from other countries. They are not compatible.
Coming from San Diego this waas not an isolated incidence. The SD police establised a working relationship with Mexico so that information could be shared. Not always the best for the person reporting here in the USA. Laws of other country's are very differentthatn here. Also work with your law enforceemnet as many times they will do a curtisoy and take the report and kit.
We had one that happened in Germany. Involved military person somehow. Yes we collected the kit. Turned it in to our local police department. LE here got involved and was interacting with other LE. Not sure what ever totally ended.
We had one that occurred in the Bahamas. Yes, we collected evidence. We could never get anyone to agree to take it as they considered the investigation closed. Our local agency didn't want to get involved. Ended up sending a letter to patient to see if she wanted to claim it.
The few that happened in Mexico we were able to get SAEK shipped.
Yes we have had one or two from Mexico. We asked the consulate in our city to help locate the proper jurisdiction and we fedexed the SAEK. That was a while back but that is what we ended up doing.