Our SART is struggling with this and I would like some ideas to take back to them. We've recently had different suspects in the ED during night shifts who had to wait until the nurse was done doing the victim exam to get their suspect exam done. The victim was in another part of the ER getting their exam done. The team claims the suspects and victims never saw each other and never knew each others were there. Is there a better place to have the suspects wait? I am under the impression that the best practice would be to not have them on the premises at the same time at all. We don't want to send the suspect home, say we'll call you when the victim has left, and risk them showering. There is no open police annex building at night, just 2 patrol officers patrolling the entire town, and a detective at home on call. I don't think we can make them wait at the jail or in the hospital's "holding cell" (aka locked waiting room for prisoners) if they are not under arrest. We're going to be discussing this at the SART meeting on Thursday and I wanted to hear what some other teams are doing. Thank you!
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In the email chain Lisa I attached 2 documents from EVAWI on suspect exams.