The Academy of Forensic Nursing is delighted to announce this AFN Webinar - Trauma Bonding, Mental Health and the Complex World of Sex Trafficking
As many as 90% of individuals being trafficked are seen in a healthcare setting during their active trafficking situation. Stigmas, stereotypes, and mental health crises add to the complexities of sex trafficking. Understanding the realities of trafficking are imperative to the identification, escape, and restoration of victims of human trafficking.
Trauma Bonding. Survivor-Informed. Boyfriending. Sextortion. The anti-trafficking world is filled with lingo you may never have heard of, but understanding it is an integral part of eradicating trafficking. Join Safe House Project COO Brittany Dunn and Survivor Leader Sarah-Beth Evans to learn more.
Don't miss your opportunity to:
- Learn the importance of trauma-informed care in establishing rapport with patients.
- Identify the difference between trauma-informed and survivor-informed care.
- Identify and implement trauma- and survivor-informed language in patient interaction.
- Understand the need for both trauma- and survivor-informed care when treating patients that have experienced human trafficking.