Don't miss this Webinar, Educating Non-SANE Emergency Nurses to Care for Sexual Assault Patients Using an Escape Room Activity, with special guest Mary Smith
Caring for patients reporting sexual assault requires a special skill set and knowledge - that is why we have SANEs. But, what are bedside RNs supposed to do if there is no SANE program or coverage at your facility? How in the world can we teach this heavy topic in an engaging, meaningful, even fun way? It is not the heart-pounding excitement of a STEMI. It is not as titillating as a trauma. Nope, it is a scary sexual assault, and they’ve just checked in to the emergency department. Fear not, because the bedside nurse has already successfully cared for this patient as part of your escape room education activity.
Geared toward forensic nurses, advanced practice providers, and emergency department/healthcare providers.
Don't miss your opportunity to:
- Identify learning objectives compatible with escape room activity.
- Learn about some types of puzzles for educational escape room activities.
- Explore limitations of escape room activity.