Please link to our member-only webinar here:
Cathy Carter-Snell Ph.D., RN, SANE-A, will discuss risks for gender-based violence such as sexual assault and domestic violence during disasters and now in a pandemic. We will review the results of a study conducted by the presenter, along with Dr. Anne Troy and Dr. Nicola Waters of North American responders after a disaster. Implications for services during and after a disaster or pandemic will then be identified.
After this session, participants will be able to do the following:
· Discuss risk factors for GBV in disasters and crises
· Describe key themes in responses to natural disaster-related to GBV
· Identify resources for prevention or intervention
· Discuss potential prevention/intervention strategies for their settings during a disaster
Dr. Cathy Carter-Snell. Ph.D., RN, SANE-A, is a professor in the School of Nursing and Midwifery at Mount Royal University in Calgary Canada. She has extensive experience with disaster responses throughout her career both as an Emergency nurse and sexual assault nurse examiner. Her research focus is on prevention and early intervention with clients experiencing trauma or violence. Research projects include this GBV in disaster work as well as development of a guide for physical injuries in trauma (BALD STEP), a dating violence prevention program for university students (Stepping Up), understanding the experience of male victims of dating violence, critical incident stress in nursing students and a rural sexual assault training program (EESAS). The research presented in this session was funded in part by the Centre for Community Disaster Research (CCDR)/ SSHRC and was conducted in collaboration with Dr. Anne Troy (Louisiana State University, New Orleans) and Dr. Nicola Waters (Thomson Rivers University, Canada).