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Malaika Vetter

BSc. N, CAS in Forensic Nursing

I’m Malaika Vetter. I’m 31 years old and I live and work in Zuerich in Switzerland. I started my nursing career at the age of 16 with an apprenticeship as a healthcare assistant in the gynecology department of a regional hospital. I then worked for several years as a healthcare assistant in a home-care service in Zurich. There, I was responsible for providing home care with a variety of focuses. During this time, I witnessed several cases where it wasn't clear whether violence had occurred between patients and their families. The nursing staff was inadequately prepared to handle this situation and all the questions and pitfalls that came with it. Simultaneously, I started my bachelor studies at the University of Applied Sciences in Zurich and graduated in 2020. I then continued my career as a nurse at the City Hospital of Zurich and started my training as a forensic nurse in 2021 and graduated with the Certificate of Advanced Studies in Forensic Nursing in 2022.

I'm currently working as a forensic nurse at the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Zurich. If everything goes as planned, I'll finish my Masters in Nursing at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences in the summer of 2024. For my Master's thesis, I am researching the current practice of forensic nursing in Switzerland and the experiences of forensic nurses in implementing this new role.

Malaika Vetter
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