AFN Forms Rural Special Interest Group
AFN has launched a new Special Interest Group, the Rural SIG. The goal of this SIG is to provide rural forensic healthcare providers with a source of support, and a networking space where they can share ideas and strategies to enhance care to victims and suspects of violence. The initial proposed goals of this SIG are:
1) Provide at least two educational offerings, either via webinar or AFN-hosted conference, each year; and
2) Identify another rurally centered organization with which to partner in order to better serve rural forensic healthcare providers and patients.
Teresa Devitt-Lynch and Olivia Flaherty will serve as the co-chairs of the SIG for a minimum of two years.
As with other AFN SIGs, the Rural SIG will meet monthly. The recurring day and time are to be determined. However, a kickoff meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 30 from 3–4 pm ET via Zoom. The kickoff meeting agenda includes:
Review the mission and vision rough draft
Elect a secretary
Set the official meeting day & time
Discuss membership expansion (advocates, non-forensic RNs, other healthcare providers, attorneys, police, etc.)
Begin discussion & brainstorm future projects
Those interested can reach out to SIG Chair Teresa Devitt-Lynch.
More about other AFN Special Interest Groups can be found here.