AFN Looking for Presenters at 2025 National Conference
The Academy of Forensic Nursing invites conference presentation proposals to be considered for our virtual conference, AFN National: Advancing the Global Practice of Forensic Healthcare, November 6–7, 2025. This two-day virtual conference is designed to promote excellence in evidence-based practice for both novice and advanced practice forensic nurses. Our goal is to share innovative techniques and research with attendees that also informs an interprofessional approach to professionals working with humans affected by violence and trauma. The AFN conference is open to healthcare professionals, law enforcement professionals, attorneys, court and judiciary staff, and victim advocates. AFN seeks to provide opportunities for presentation, nationally and internationally, while highlighting innovative evidence-based practices.
The Academy of Forensic Nursing is seeking abstract proposals for presentations that meet the following conference objectives:
Improve the response to populations affected by sexual assault, domestic violence, child maltreatment, stalking, human trafficking, elder abuse, and gender-based crimes
Support collaboration among criminal justice, healthcare, law enforcement, and community professionals through an interprofessional approach
Demonstrate contemporary practices and research that supports innovative, evidence-based practice models for Forensic Nurses
Abstracts will be chosen regionally as follows:
International (outside the US)
Who Should Submit an Abstract?
Forensic nurses and healthcare professionals
Educators and researchers
Interprofessional partners & allies
All materials must be submitted by August 1, 2025, for your abstract to be considered. Please complete the Abstract Proposal Form here.
Applicants will be notified about their abstract's acceptance the week of September 1, 2025. If accepted, your presentation, any polling questions (if used), continuing education documents, and marketing needs are due to the conference planners no later than October 15, 2025.