New Partnership with TAANA
The Academy of Forensic Nursing is excited to announce a formalized partnership with The American Association of Nurse Attorneys (TAANA). The non-profit organization, incorporated in 1982, serves members who practice in private law, academia, as litigators and defense attorneys, as legal counsel for healthcare entities, and in health care compliance, among other settings. Membership is open to anyone with a vested interest in legal issues as they relate to the health care industry.
As part of the partnership, AFN members are invited to join TAANA at the AFN Affiliate Membership of $225 (a $50 discount off the regular Affiliate Rate). You can find the discount code here. Then visit the TAANA Membership page – https://taana.org/join – and select the Academy of Forensic Nurses tab.
TAANA membership benefits include:
An affordable professional membership
Educational opportunities, including the annual conference and webinars
Networking, advocacy, and collegiality
Likewise, TAANA members may register for a discounted membership with the Academy of Forensic Nursing. Simply visit https://www.goafn.org/sign-up-to-join, select the TAANA Member Special, and enter the discount code provided by TAANA to receive an AFN membership for $100 (a $30 discount off the regular Healthcare Professional rate).
In addition to these dual memberships, the Academy of Forensic Nursing looks forward to working with The American Association of Nurse Attorneys to bring you articles, conference presentations, podcasts, and webinars on critical legal issues as they relate to forensic nursing. Stay tuned!